Oral Pathology / Biopsy

If you have an area in your mouth that has been identified as abnormal, Dr. Fritz or Dr. Schuldt will examine the area and if necessary, perform a biopsy to diagnose.  Our team works closely with oral pathologists at Mount Sinai Hospital and Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto to analyse all specimens collected.

Abnormal growth, pathology, or discolouration can occur anywhere in the mouth including the cheeks, gums, palate, tongue, and lips.  It is important to assess and monitor the health of your gum tissues regularly.

The tissues of our mouths are always renewing and proliferating.  It is possible that during this process they spontaneously turn from normal to abnormal.

It is important to do an ‘at-home’ visual check of the tissues in our mouths.  If you, or your dental team notice any abnormalities, it is important to have this area assessed by your periodontist who can further treatment plan.

Our team works with the Oral Pathology lab of Mount Sinai Hospital.  Your biopsy results return in two weeks time.  At which point we will go through the results at your post-operative appointment with you.

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