Sedation Dentistry

We are aware of the anxiety that many people have when undergoing dental treatments.  While we promise not to bite, we are completely committed to keeping our patients as comfortable as possible.  For this reason, we work with a team of registered nurses to provide our patients with the option to undergo any and all of our services under conscious sedation.

In fact, opting to be sedated for our procedures is not unusual at all.  Approximately 30% of our patients chose sedation for their periodontal procedures.

Conscious sedation is a technique used to help relax our patients, helping them to breeze through their appointments will little to no recollection of the experience.  The experience is similar to the one used for a colonoscopy or similar procedure.

Should you wish to be sedated for your appointment, you will be paired with one of our registered nurses whose sole responsibility is to keep you safe and comfortable at all times under the instruction and oversight by Dr. Fritz or Dr. Schuldt.

Our team of Registered Nurses manage your dental anxiety by first calming you with an oral sedative.

After allowing sufficient time for the oral sedative to take effect, they will begin a conscious sedation by IV.

The effects of conscious IV sedation allow you to be fully responsive throughout the entire procedure, however, you are experiencing a form of twilight.

Time passes very quickly and you will want to sleep the remainder of the day.  Waking up the next morning, most of our patients report having no recollection of the procedure.

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