Power of Partnerships and Perpetual Reinvention


It’s been over a year since we have been asked to lead our teams through the crisis and attempt to dismantle the disruption. Much progress has been made, but it’s never made alone and no one can forecast exactly how we will emerge. Based on the last major disruption of the world, the commercial advent of the internet more than 20 years ago, it demonstrates there are exciting possibilities and parallels.

First, the basis for the internet was shaped through collaboration among research laboratories in academia and emerging technology companies. These early foundations were developed using known principles you can’t argue against like mathematics and science – credible and evidence-based. These early algorithms were developed not on the opinion of people who dislike or don’t believe in math, but on the best scientific evidence at the time. It wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t fast, but sticking to what was verifiably true served the purpose.

Written by: Dr. Peter C. Fritz

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